Upload Art

Once you’ve ordered your display, you can use this page to upload your artwork so our team can begin the customization process. First, take a look at what we need to get started:

Display Artwork Submission Guidelines

*We will accept AI, PSD, or TIF files but this may require additional set up time

Upload Artwork

Submission Guideline Details

Use Provided Templates

All the display products at Displayit include a design template on their product page. Once you place your display order, you can return to your product’s page to download the display template. Then, just plug in to any major design platform in order to create a design that fits your product. Learn more about how to locate the template files.

Outline All Text

In order for us to print out any text on your design, all the text in your artwork file has to be outlined, which basically converts text from a ‘font’ format into a shape or vector format. Without this, we may not be able to print your fonts at all, so make sure not to miss this step! Each software will have a different workflow for outlining text, so you can look up your software’s process online or check out our video tutorial on how to outline text in Adobe Illustrator.

Photoshop files do not require outlining.

Rich Black

Your design document will need to have ‘rich black’ wherever you want black used in your display. This means any ‘black’ sections on your display must be set to the following CMYK values: C=60, M=60, Y=60, K=100 (your file will need to be created/saved using CMYK colors in order to best accommodate this). That way, the black sections in your design come out as a true black in the printing process, with no variations.

Hide/Delete Template Lines

Once you’ve finished your design, make sure that none of the lines from the template file you downloaded are still visible in the end result! An easy way to do this in an Adobe program is to make sure that your template and design are in separate layers—then, hide the template layer at the end of your design process, before you save and export the final design.

Accepted Files: PDF

We highly prefer PDF files, as they are the easiest for us to work with in the printing and production process. However, Adobe Illustrator files (.ai), Photoshop Documents (.psd), or uncompressed TIF files (.tif) are also acceptable—these will add some time for additional set up, but can be used.

Embed Images

When working on your design, make sure that you’ve embedded any relevant images before saving and exporting your file—they should have a resolution of 100dpi (dots per inch) when stretched to their full size. This ensures that any photos used in your design will still have the highest quality and resolution once your design is printed. Otherwise, images may appear pixelated. Just like with outlining text, the workflow for this step will be different depending on what software you use.

Photoshop files do not require image embedding.


Our graphic design team can create effective, eye-catching visuals that fit your display perfectly. And if you have your own design assets and files already but need to set them up for your display, we can help with that too!